Don’t settle for one-size-fits-all business advice.

When you can have game-changing guidance, and solutions as unique as you are. 

But you’re different. You know the value of smart decision making. Even if you’re exhausted.  


All eyes are on you, every decision rests on your shoulders. When you’re faced with endless decisions, fatigue and overanalysis sets in leaving you feeling run down & exhausted with little left to give your family. It's a heavy burden to bear, and it can take a toll on your well-being. 

Most CEOs when pushed against a wall will make knee jerk decisions that end up costing them down the road.  

You know you can’t spot your blind spot. You need someone in your corner.  

You need someone on speed dial that will be objective and has the ability to see solutions where others see problems. 



Which is why I’m here rolling up my sleeves so we can identify the root cause of your business problems and develop a plan to fix them.

Together, with your big picture vision and my exceptional problem-solving skills, we’ll handle even the most challenging situations with ease.

Are you ready to talk? Schedule a call with me and we can get started!



She is a successful business owner, but she needed to pull the pieces of her projects together to create a system she could rely on to ensure everything ran smoothly. 

This is what she had to say after all was said and done:
“I have been able to feel a sense of relief when it comes to client projects. Maliquea has given me the time, space, and energy to step into my CEO role. In just 3 months, we were able to streamline our back-end client pipeline, create a hiring strategy, and plan for marketing events happening in the future. I am finally getting ahead instead of being stuck in the day-to-day.”

Amanda radically changed her business after taking my advice. By organizing those projects and learning to properly delegate to the right team members within the new system, she was able to cut down the number of team meetings drastically and get her agency running smoothly. 

Carrylove Designs


Samantha radically changed her business when she took my advice to streamline her business operations so she could finally work on her business, and not just in it. 

Here is what she had to say about her experience:
Almost immediately after hiring I saw results. I made nearly 10k more in the next month, and met my stretch goal for 2021 of 200k. I have simpler, automated ways to manage schedules for doula team members and bill clients with a time tracking system and payroll. It's made such a huge difference! I now spend much less time doing administrative tasks each week, which has given me freedom to have a personal life.”

Due to the HUGE changes we made to her business, Samantha was able to take her first vacation in YEARS and finally cut back on client work. Now her business is aligned with her life, which is exactly what she wanted. 

DC Metro Maternity


Eddie had spent years building an incredible product and providing an unparalleled customer experience. He was ready to continue to deliver that customer experience in a more seamless and efficient way. However, he was worried that implementing these systems would compromise his gold star standard of customer service. We made small tweaks to his key customer success processes and achieved big results in no time. In doing so, we were able to preserve his vision of building an incredible client experience in a way that was seamless to his customers and sustainable for him. A complete win-win! 

Timeline Genius


Now that you have read my clients’ stories, how about yours? What would you like to write for this next chapter of your life? 

Let’s link arms and find solutions that have you loving your business & thriving in life.

Clarity Session


Are your business operations feeling like a giant jigsaw puzzle without the cover photo? There’s likely one piece missing that’s holding up the entire thing. In just 90 minutes, we can focus on one specific area of your business and figure out exactly what to eliminate, automate, and delegate. This type of laser focused attention can help you break through any roadblocks you've been facing and move your business forward with confidence.

Deep Dive Intensive


Your business has taken over every aspect of life, from your freetime to sleepless nights. “This isn’t sustainable” or “I can’t keep doing this.” play on repeat. You’re right, it’s time to take a hard look at what’s not working and take back control.

Over the next 30 days, I'll work closely with you to identify the weak spots in your business and reposition it as a well-oiled machine. By examining your team dynamics, business processes, and workflows, we'll align everything with your long-term vision.

Together, we'll uncover what's been holding you back and address the root cause. We'll lighten the load of business growth, give you more options, and empower you to take the next best step. This intensive program is designed to transform your entire business from the inside out. 

Ongoing Partnership


When sh*t hits the fan, who do you call? The person that’s seen it all and has solutions to anything your business might face. Along with fire fighting support we’ll also examine what needs to be automated, delegated, and eliminated so those fires aren’t popping up as frequently. We’ll meet weekly to strategize the most important needle mover activities to accomplish that week and keep you on track to meet your goals. You’ll have mindset support to help you overcome self-doubt and tackle any challenges that arise. Plus, we'll find ways to effectively manage your projects and apply operational insights to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Lastly you will get one creative brainstorming session per month to generate new ideas for growth.

Not sure which option is right for you?

 Schedule a call and we’ll assess your goals and where you’re at. This call just might solve a problem you’ve been wrestling with. 

Hi, I’m Maliquea Starnes

Every experience (good or bad) has given me the ability to solve complex problems with simple solutions and help CEO’s like you navigate growing your business without losing yourself in the process.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with clients from diverse industries. From doula agencies to branding and marketing firms, and even tech startups. Essentially, I've had the opportunity to touch virtually every business model out there. I'm a natural-born problem solver, detail-loving, organized, and a well-planned idea machine. I have the unique ability to discern the next best step and navigate chaos to identify the best solutions faster than anyone I've ever met.

My purpose is to help people when they're stuck and guide them toward a better path. That's who I am at my core. I navigate every challenge with the precision and determination of an oldest daughter, a Virgo, and a perfectionist. It's this innate superpower that buzzes in the background of every role I've ever filled and every job title I've ever had. Now, I've made it my life's mission to utilize these gifts and abilities to support those who need it the most, when they need it the most.
If you're feeling alone, overwhelmed, and burned out as a CEO, know that you're not alone. I'm here to offer a nurturing and direct hand, providing you with the guidance and support you need to take your business to new heights. Together, we'll streamline your operations, overcome challenges, and create a thriving and balanced business that aligns with your vision.
So, are you ready to unlock your full potential and create the business of your dreams? Let's connect and embark on this incredible journey together. I can't wait to be your trusted advisor and see you soar.

"Maliquea's passion and experience were really helpful"

“When Maliquea shared her insight on running a business with intention and planning according to your own needs so many things clicked as a business owner. She not only provided the "what" but the "why" and the "how" that are essential when figuring out those next steps to incorporate and yet so many educators rely on regurgitating fluff for. Maliquea's passion and experience were really helpful when breaking down the important aspects of planning and how to apply changes to make sure that what you were putting on your plate really helped move your needle forward in the end!”

-Taryn Jerez, One Crafty Miss

"I’m so incredibly thankful to have worked with Maliquea."

She helped me feel confident that I could offer an exceptional client experience, while keeping everything organized behind the scenes. Her background in the event industry was priceless while she helped me strategize and implement my own systems. I highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking for guidance in creating peace & structure within their business." 

-Jessica Judson, Thirsty Buffalo Co.


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